Product Information

3D printing material for visible light curing

A LED visible light curable 3D printing material is a 3D printing material that can be cured at high speed and with high accuracy even with LED light by using particular radical reactions. A variety of lineups are available to suit different applications. The RH-series has low warpage and high heat resistance, while the RHL-series has high toughness. In addition, the RS-series is flexible and can be bent up to 180 degrees. The RCA-series is characterized by being heat erasable and the RVF-series by being capable of ultra-fast curing. Many 3D printers and resin materials are manufactured overseas and are costly, and it takes time to receive products from the moment an order is placed. These products are manufactured in Japan and can thus be acquired more cheaply and also enables quicker response as compared to those manufactured overseas. A variety of resins are available for various 3D printers (SLA, DLP, LCD, and IJ types) and they can also be customized for customers. In addition, the materials technology of the NAGASE Group exhibits high toughness, high heat resistance, and high definition, and is used for wax casting and model manufacturing.

3D printing material for visible light curing


  • Can be cured at high speed and with high accuracy even with LED light
  • A variety of lineups are available to suit different applications
  • These products are manufactured in Japan thus enabling quicker response

Product Lineup

  • RH-series
    ・High accuracy heat resistance
    ・Heat-resistant up to 180˚C
  • RHL-series
    ・High toughness
    ・For structural analysis, automotive parts
  • RS-series
    ・Flexible and can be bent up to 180 degrees
    ・Prototyping for replacing rubber materials
  • RCA-series
    ・Metal casting for jewelry and dentistry
  • RVF-series
    ・Ultra-fast curing
    ・For high-speed prototype models

Introduction Examples

  • For structural analysis, automotive parts
  • Prototyping for replacing rubber materials
  • Metal casting for jewelry and dentistry
  • For high-speed prototype models
  • Used for figures and models

Since the physical properties of the resin can be controlled, they can be used for various applications. Please feel free to consult us about the applications.

Product Catalogue

・The data and various information contained in this website and catalog are based on representative experimental values and research that are trusted by Nagase ChemteX. The company makes no claims or guarantees about their accuracy or completeness.
・The example use cases presented in this (website and) catalog do not guarantee future results from the use of these products. When using these products, please make sure to evaluate the suitability for use, purpose of use, and conditions under which the product will be used.
・In all instances, before using a product, the customer shall bear responsibility for determining whether a product is suitable for the particular use, purpose of use, and conditions under which a product is used.
・Avoidance of potential intellectual property conflicts in the presentation of example use cases is not guaranteed.
・Please make sure to review the safety data sheet (SDS) before using a product.
・Please make sure to review the safety data sheet (SDS) before using a product.
・Please be advised that the specifications and physical descriptions of products listed in this website and catalog are periodically revised, and are therefore subject to change without prior notice.
・Please consult with us before considering any patent application based on the data or information contained in this (website and) catalog.


Nagase ChemteX Corporation
3DP&AM Materials Development Office
Precision Process Materials Dept.
